
Beauty+the Beast-IchigoxChad 3

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Lukan-the-Oracle's avatar

Literature Text

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its characters. All I own is the plot(though this might not count seeing as I'm kind of using the plot from the 'Beauty and the Beast') and any OCs I think up.

Chapter 3

Ichigo was headed up the stairs that led to the dungeon. "Hey Ichigo." Renji said once the beast was close enough. "What?" Ichigo snarled as he glared at the candelabra. Renji jumped back some at the beast's attitude. "Well...I was think'in. Since th' boy will be here for a long time maybe ya might wanna give him a better room." Renji suggested timidly. Ichigo snorted at him before he continued up the stairs. "Or maybe not." Renji replied as he watched him walk off.

When Ichigo made it to the dungeon he saw Chad on the ground crying. Chad turned to look at him as he entered. "You didn't let me say goodbye. I'll never see him again." He wept. Ichigo felt guilty for his pervious actions. He knew better then anyone else what it was like to lose a family member. "Look...I'll show you to your room." His tone was tired. He turned around started to head out. Chad looked at him confused. "My room...but I thought..." He trailed off voicing his confusion. Ichigo quickly turned back to him. "Do you want to stay in the tower, in the dungeons?" He questioned frustrated. "" Chad replied timidly unsure. "Well then follow me." Ichigo said before he started to head out again. This time Chad followed him.

Ichigo led Chad through the castle. They both walked in an uneasy silence. Ichigo glanced back at Chad and saw that the boy still sad look on his face. It just made Ichigo feel guilty all over again. As for Renji, who being held by the beast and used to light the way, gave his monster like friend a glare of annoyance. "Say somethi'n to him." He whispered so that only Ichigo could hear him. Ichigo gave uncertain look before he turned his gaze back to Chad. "I...umm...I hope that you like it here." He said unsure and hen looked away. Renji silently urged him to say more. Once again Ichigo returned his gaze to Chad. "Since this is your home now you can go anywhere you want in the castle, That is except for the west wing." "What's in the west wing?" Chad asked curious. "It's forbidden." Ichigo quickly replied as he rounded on Chad. He looked at the boy awhile longer before he continued forward.

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A moment later they had reached the room where Chad would stay in. Ichigo opened the door for him. "If you need anything my servant will attend to you." The beast said after the door was open. Chad nodded his head in understanding before he entered his room. "Ichigo wha about dinner? Ya should invite him to dinner." Renji quietly urged. Ichigo stalled, but did what Renji suggested. "You'll....You will join me for dinner. That's an order." He demanded just before he closed the doors. That didn't go to well.

Chad turned to now shut door in shock, though sorrow and anger soon filled him. He was about to pushed at the door, but it wouldn't do him any good. he had made a promise and would break it. Not to mention that he didn't know is way around and might get lost before he could find the front door and get out. His frustration at the whole situation escalated to the point that he punched the door. After that action he simply deflated. He turned around, walked over the bed and sat down on it. He put his face in his hands. He had never felt so defeated before. He would never see his grandfather again, the only family that he had left. And now he was to spend the rest of his life with a monster who seemed to be oh so cruel. For the second time that night he cried out at the helplessness of his situation.

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Elsewhere back in Chad's home town Lirin was ranting angrily about at the tavern. "Who does he think he is? That boy has messed with the wrong girl. No one says no to me." "I don't know Lirin...I mean he really isn't that interested in you for some reason." Kurodo tried to comfort as he walked over to her. "Dismissed, rejected, publicly humiliated. Why it's more then I can deal with." Lirin continued to rant ignoring Kurodo as she grabbed the pint of beer that was in his hand and threw into the fireplace that was in front of her out of frustration and anger. "Hey my beer." Kurodo whined. Lirin glared at him. "I mean would you like some beer?" The dueled haired man said quickly to avoid the blond girl's wrath.

"No, nothing will help me feel better. I'm completely disgraced" Lirin whined as she turned away from him. "Stop being such a baby Lirin." Noba scolded as he gave a reprimanding look. Lirin just glared sullenly at him. "Don't give that look Lirin. Chad made it very obvious that he doesn't return your feelings. Just give up already." Noba said with a sigh. She just glared daggers at him. "Come on Lirin, it's not that bad. You just have to pull yourself together." Kurodo replied , he was trying to save Noba from Lirin's anger. Lirin turned her glare on him instead. Kurodo start to fear for his life. "I...I mean I can't stand seeing you so down like this. I mean ever girl would love to be you. There is no one as respected as you, everyone adores you." He said  quickly. "You're the mayor's daughter! you're pretty and you're cute. Any guy would kill to be your lover." He added hoping that he was able to calm Lirin down. "You're right! I have no reason to feel sorry for myself. I just have to try a different approach." Lirin exclaimed, she had quickly cheered up. "You're giving her too big of a head." Noba whispered to Kurodo annoyed. Kurodo gave him a sheepish smile as he became both embarrassed and worried.

A moment later Oscar came busting into the tavern. "Help! Someone please help me." He begged. everyone turned to him at his outburst. The poor man looked both worse for he wear and fearful. "Oscar what's wrong?" The bartender asked asked concerned. As soon as the words left his mouth Oscar started to panic. "Please, please! I need your help. He's got him! He's got him locked in the dungeon!" He explained as he rushed about in panic and terror. "Who?" one of the patrons at the tavern asked curious and confused. "Yasutora! Chad, my grandson." He exclaimed. "We must go. There's not a minute to lose." "Hey Oscar slow down. Who has Chad locked in a dungeon?" Lirin asked. She was just as confused and worried as the rest. If anyone hurt her Chad there would be hell to pay.

"A beast! A horrible monstrous beast!" Oscar yelled as he gave Lirin his full attention. The whole tavern was silent. Then all started to laugh at him. They didn't believe him, but that didn't stop some of them from humoring the elder man. "Was it a big beast?" One asked. "Yes huge." Oscar answered. "With fangs and a ugly face?" Another asked. "Of course, hideously ugly." "Along with razor sharp claws?" "Yes, yes! Will you help me?" Oscar asked desperate. He was so worried about Chad that he barely took notice that they all were mocking him. "Oh don't worry we'll help you out." Lirin said pretending to be concerned and worried. "You will!?" Oscar said hopeful and relieved. As the words left his lips two patrons of the tavern grabbed him by his arms. They then dragged him and threw him out of the tavern.

"Poor Oscar, it looks he finally lost it." Someone said a bit worried. "Yeah well at lest he was good for a laugh." replied another. Lirin became thoughtful at that. "So Oscar has lost it, gone crazy." She said thoughtfully. She became even more lost in thought. "Lirin..." Kurodo questioned a bit worried. He didn't like the look that cam to the blond girl's face. "I've been thinking." She replied mischievously. "And?" Kurodo prompted nervous. He had a feeling that he didn't want to know what she was thinking out. "That old coot is Chad's grandfather and it looks like his sanity is slipping. Now that has gotten the wheels in my head turning as I watched that loony old man. I had promised myself that I would be married to Chad and right now a plan is forming in my head." She answered devilishly. Both Kurodo and Noba didn't like the tone of her voice or where this was going. "What exactly do you have planed?" Noba asked suspicious. "You'll have to wait and see." Lirin replied in malicious glee. Both Noba and Kurodo shared a look. Whatever she had planed, it wasn't good.

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Chad heard someone knocking at his door. "Who is it?" He asked as he wiped away his tears. "Orihime Inue." came the cheerful answer. Whoever it was it wasn't the beast. the voice sound too polite and feminine. A first he wasn't sure if he should open the door, but the person on the other end sounded nice. He got up and opened the door, but he didn't see anyone. "I thought you might like some tea." Chad's eyes were immediately drawn downwards. He backed up in shock as Orihime and some other teacups came in. Though before he could utter his shock he had backed right into the wardrobe. "Please do be careful." Came the wardrobe's response. "This isn't possible." He muttered bewildered as he sat back down on the bed. "I know it isn't." The wardrobe replied as he leaned on the bed. "But here we are." He added playfully.

"See I told you he was handsome Orihime. Didn't I?" Yachiru whispered smugly to the teapot. "Alright Yachiru, I know." Orihime said with a roll of her eyes as she poured some tea in to the pink teacup. The sugar-cup, that was right next to Yachiru, then poured a spoon of sugar into her and quickly stirred it. Once done Yachiru went bounding off to Chad. "Go slower Yachiru, you don't want to spill any of the tea." Orihime called after her. At her words the pink teacup slowed her approach. Chad kneeled down to the floor when Yachiru reached him. He carefully and gently picked her up. "Thank you." He replied grateful. he was about to take a sip, but Yachiru's words stopped him. "Do you want to see me do a trick?" She asked excited. After Chad had brought her away from his lips She took a deep breath and started to blow bubbles in the tea. "Yachiru." Orihime scolded. "Hehe...opps...sorry." Yashiru said sheepishly after she stopped doing her little 'trick.'

"That was a very brave thing that you did sir." Orimine said to Chad once she had turned her attention to him. "Yeah agreed." the wardrobe chimed in. Unfortunately their words made Chad's mood turn melancholy. "But I lost my abeulo, my grandfather. I've lost my freedom. It almost seems as if I've lost everything." He replied sullen and a bit frustrated. They all felt so bad for him. "Now cheer up. I'm sure that it'll get better." Orihime said kindly trying to made him feel better. He gave a weak smile in thanks. "Oh just listen to me talk. I should go help prepare dinner." She replied cheerfully as she started to hop off. "Come on now Yachiru, you need to help too." She called as she headed for the door. "Alright I'm coming." Yachiru replied. "Bye, bye." She said quickly to Chad before she jumped off his hand and followed after Orihime. They, along wit ht he other teacups, left.

"Well now that they're gone let's decided on what you'll wear to dinner." The wardrobe replied cheerfully after Orihime and Yachiru left. "Oh by the way I'm Yumichika." The wardrobe added. "Now let's see what I have in my drowses." The wardrobe Yumichika said then opened his drowses. As soon as he did moths came flying out. He quickly closed up after that as a look of embarrassment came to his face. "Well that was embarrassing." He said sheepishly. Though he opened his drowses a moment later and looked through the clothes that he had. "Here we are, you'll look wonderful in this." He said as he pulled out a nice red outfit.

"That's very kind of you...but I think that I won't go to dinner." Chad said politely. "But you must!" Yumichika said with a gasp. Before Chad could say anything back Uyru came in. He cleared his throat to get their attention. "Dinner is served." He announced with a smile as he bowed. To bad that he wouldn't like the reply he would get.

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Ichigo was pacing about the dinning hall waiting on Chad. "What's taking so long?" He questioned annoyed. "I told him to come down here." He muttered frustrated. "Why isn't he here yet?" He growled angrily at Renji and Orihime who were both on top of the fireplace. "Just try to be patient Kurasaki-sama. The boy has lost both his grandfather and freedom all in one day." Orihime said gently. "Ichigo...have ya thought tha' maybe this boy could help break th' spell?" Renji asked a bit timidly. "Of course I have." Ichigo almost roared in Renji's face. "I'm not a fool." He added in a growl as he turned away from the candelabra. "Well tha's good to hear." Renji replied happily with a clap of his hands. "Ya fall in love wit him, he falls in with ya, and poof th' curse is broken. We all will be human again by midnight." He added further a little excited. "It's not that easy Renji. Things like love take some time." Orihime explained softly. "But th' rose has already began to wilt." Renji replied quietly both worried and concerned.

Ichigo let out a small growl. "It's no use..." He trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck. "He's so beautiful and I'm..." He paused for a moment before he growled again in frustration. "Well just look at me." He replied angrily. Renji and Orihime shared a worried and unsure look. "You just have to help him see past all that. Just show him your inner beauty." Orihime reassured kindly her tone gentle. Ichigo, for lack of a better word, was pouting at the teapot's advice. "I don't know how." Ichigo shot back moodily. He was clearly being stubborn. Orihime narrowed her eyes at him annoyed before she jumped off from the fire place. "Well you can start by making yourself more presentable." She said as she hopped over to him and onto the table. "Straighten up, try to act like a gentleman." Ichigo followed her order, he straitened up. The little  orange teapot could be a little intimidating when she was acting bossy.

"Yeah, when he comes in gave him a dashing and handsome smile." Renji added as he hopped over to them. There was pause for nothing happened. "Oh come now, show me th' smile." The candelabra gently urged. Ichigo tried, but the smile was all fangs an not all welcoming. "But don't frighten the poor guy." Orihime added. "Try impressing him with your wit. Ya know a good conversation or maybe some jokes." Renji replied after he jumped onto the table to join Orihime. "But be gentle." "Shower him with complements." "But you should also be honest and sincere." "And above all..." "You must control your temper." They finished together.

But before they could say more they all heard the doorknob turning. "Here he is." Renji replied excited. Even Ichigo was excited even though he was also nervous at the same time. "Good evening." Uyru said as he pocked his head in. That made the beast's mood drop down to disappointment pretty quickly. "Well where is he?" He asked trying to keep his temper in check. "Eh he he....You mean the boy? The boy.....well actually he's in the process of....Well....things being as they are......." The clock trailed off. He was getting more nervous by the second. He might well get this over with. "He's not coming." Uyru answered defeated feeling scared about how Ichigo would react.

"WHAT!?" The beast roared angrily. He went running out heading to Chad's room. Orihime, Renji, and Uyru rushed aver him. "Kurasaki, Kurasaki wait." Uryu called out panicked. But his calls fell on deaf ears. And within minutes Ichigo had reached Chad's room and pounded on the door. "I though I told you come down to dinner." He growled out loud angrily. "I'm not hungry." Chad shot back. Orihime, Renji, and Uyru just knew this wasn't going to end well. "You come out or I'll...or I'll break in the door." Ichigo yelled back frustrated. "Hey Ichigo...I may be wrong, but I don't think tha's good way to win his heart." Renji said nervously. His friend was in one of his moods again. "I hate to say it, but I agree with him. Please at least try to be a gentleman." Uyru begged. "But he's being difficult." Ichigo hissed through clenched teeth.

"Just try being gentle." Orihime softly urged. Ichigo slightly glared for a moment before he rolled his eyes. "Would you come down to dinner?" He asked as politely as he could. "No." Chad quickly replied back without thinking it over. Ichigo pointed to the door with a look of 'I told you so.' "Try being suave and genteel." Uyru suggested. "It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner." Ichigo replied still as politely as he could, though it was strained. "You forget to say please." Uyru quickly whispered. "Please?" The beast added. "No thank you." Chad replied back in mock politeness. "You can't stay in there forever." Ichigo growled, his last nerve was being strained to its fullest. "Yes I can." Chad argued back. There went Ichigo's last nerve. "Fine! Then go ahead and starve." He roared. "If he doesn't eat with me then he doesn't eat at all." He growled to his servants. He then rushed off, slamming the door behind him.

"Oh no, that didn't go well at all." Orihime said worried. "Renji stand guard at the door and inform me at the slightest change." Uyru replied taking charge. "You can count on me." Renji said and then stood at Chad's door. "Well then we might as well go down stairs and clean up." Uyru said to Orihime. The clock and teapot both headed down stairs. But unknown to them two pairs of eyes were watching them. "Brother really should catch his temper." A small female voice said both concerned and worried. "Tell me about it. That idiot should watch it or he'll blow his chance." Another voice replied annoyed. It was also female, but not as dainty as the first. "What should we do Karin?" The first voice asked. "Well Yuzu we might as well do meet this 'boy.' If Ichigo doesn't screw this up he'll be our brother-in-law." The owner of the second voice Karin said plainly.

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Ichigo barged into his study in rage. "I asked nicely, but he refuses." He growled out frustrated. He then flung a chair out of the way. "What! What does he want want me to do? Beg?" He questioned angrily as he strode up the rose which was on top a fairly high small table and covered in a glass case. He grabbed a silver mirror that was next to the rose. "Show me the boy." He demanded. His image in the mirror swirled till it showed a different image. Said image was of both Chad and Yumichika sitting on the bed.

"Kuraski-sama isn't that bad once you get to know him." Yumichika said defending the beast. "Why don't try giving him a chance?" He suggested. Chad let out a sigh. "I don't think I want to get to know him. I don't even want anything to do with him." He replied stubbornly. He had let his emotions get the best of him. A look of shock came to Ichigo's face before it was quickly replaced with a look of hurt as he lowered the mirror. "I'm just fooling myself. He'll never see me as anything, but a monster." He mutter sadden. He placed the mirror back down next the rose. A moment later one of the petals of the rose fell. He say the petal falling out of the corner of his eye and it made him feel even worse. "It's hopeless." He replied dishearten. He was filled with so much sorrow.

[link]<-Chapter 2

Chapter 4->[link]

Finally I've uploaded chapter 3. Sorry about that, unfortunately I've been a bit lazy for awhile. Anyway I'm sure that you're curious about Ichigo's sisters being in this chapter. All I can say is that I have been planing that for some time. In the next chapter I'll make sure that Chad meets Karin and Yuzu.
© 2010 - 2024 Lukan-the-Oracle
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iRedRose's avatar
keep up the good work ^^